Know The Surprising Health Benefits Of Semal Flower

Know The Surprising Health Benefits Of Semal Flower

Semal Flower Benefits: There are many such trees and plants around us, using which many diseases can be cured, but very few people are aware of such trees and plants. We are introducing you to such a tree. Its name is Semal and its job is to cure diseases. Yes, many health problems can be treated with Semal tree. Its flowers are a boon for health, often its big red flowers are seen falling on the way… Let’s know about the benefits of Semal flower.

Constipation- Constipation is such a problem that everyone is worried about nowadays, so if you want to get rid of it, you can use Semal flower. It cleanses the intestine, due to which the problem of constipation is removed.

Remove complaint of back pain-You can also get relief in back pain by consuming Semal flower. You can either make its laddoos or you can eat it after making a vegetable, it removes weakness and gives relief from back pain.

Blood purifier Semal leaves and flowers both are helpful in blood purification. Toxins come out of the body by consuming Semal flower.

to skin –Semal flower can also benefit the skin. Semal has anti-ageing ability, which can reduce the wrinkles visible on the skin due to aging, in addition, the leaves and bark of Semal have anti-acne ability, which gives relief from acne. Apart from this, it also has antimicrobial properties, which can reduce skin related problems like boils and chicken pox.

Beneficial in leucorrhoea-Women who are troubled by leucorrhoea i.e. vaginal discharge should consume Semal flower. Candida albinx fungus has been considered the cause of vaginal discharge. The antimicrobial effect present in semen can prove helpful in preventing and destroying this fungus. In such a situation, make the flowers of Semal a vegetable.

Other benefits of Semal

By applying the paste after grinding the bark of Semal tree, even the deep wounds on the body heal quickly.

Apart from this, in case of dysentery, the upper peels of Semal flower should be soaked at night and mixed with sugar candy in the morning, it gives a lot of relief.

On the formation of swelling or lump somewhere in the body, grinding semel leaves and applying ointment or tying it is very beneficial. This reduces the lump.

Grind the bark or leaves of Semal and apply it on the pimples, the marks disappear.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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